Completed Consultations

Page review/updated 19/06/2024


We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to respond to any of our consultations. All of our consultation work (often called “Have your Say” or “Call for Information”) can help to inform the decision making of D&S IFCA’s Byelaw & Permitting Sub-Committee (B&PSC) or be used for other work such as informing assessments for Marine Conservation Zones.

This page helps you to see the range of more recent consultation work that has now ended. All of the byelaw/permit condition related engagement work is documented. The reports relating to the different consultations can be read by using links below or by visiting Section F of our Resource Library – Byelaw Development Reports. Officers’ papers that are presented at Byelaw & Permitting Sub-Committee meetings which can be found in Section B of our Resource Library or on our Authority Meetings page.

REVIEW OF THE NETTING PERMIT CONDITIONS (Pre-Consultation) & Formal Consultation)

The review began in 2023 when D&S IFCA invited all stakeholders to “Have Your Say” about the current Netting Permit Conditions. The pre- consultation (Have Your Say), which was the initial phase of the review, ended on 30th June 2023 and the responses were examined and summarised in a report which was provided to the B&PSC on 31st August 2023. The report – A Summary of Responses from the “Have Your Say” (A review of the Netting Permit Conditions) – August 2023, can be read here.

Formal Consultation:

The B&PSC discussed the review of the Netting Permit Conditions at their meetings held on 31st August and 16th November 2023. The Members of the B&PSC determined what should go forward (proposals for change) to be set out in a formal consultation. The formal consultation began on 1st December 2023 and ended on 19th January 2024. Officers produced a report summarising the responses in the formal consultation. It can be read here.

The B&PSC discussed changes to the Netting Permit Conditions on 22nd February 2024. All the meeting papers can be found on the “Authority Meetings” display page, along with the finalised minutes from the February B&PSC meeting.


Mobile Fishing Permit Byelaw 2022

The formal consultation regarding the proposed Mobile Fishing Permit Byelaw 2022 ended on 20th January 2023. D&S IFCA wish to thank all those that had their say. The responses were collated and a report was prepared for discussion by D&S IFCA’s Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee in February 2023. The consultation report can be read here.

Size of Fishing Vessels Byelaw 2022

The formal consultation regarding the proposed Size of Fishing Vessels Byelaw 2022 ended on 20th January 2023. D&S IFCA wish to thank all those that had their say. The responses were collated and a report was prepared for discussion by D&S IFCA’s Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee in February 2023. The consultation report can be read here.


The Size of Fishing Vessels Byelaw 2022 is now confirmed. A signed copy (from Defra) was received by the Chief Officer on 7th May 2024. The Mobile Fishing Permit Byelaw 2022 is with the MMO being quality assured, before being sent to Defra.

Other Completed Consultations 

All of the byelaw/permit condition related engagement work is documented. The reports relating to the different consultations can be read by visiting Section F of our Resource Library – Byelaw Development Reports – or by examining the Officers’ papers that are presented at Byelaw & Permitting Sub-Committee meetings which can be found in Section B of our Resource Library