BASS Compliance Direction

Page review/updated 12/03/2025

Content of page last reviewed (11th March 2025), page updated (12th March 2025).


Article 10 of Council Regulation (EU) 2020/123, and The Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Regulations 2023 detail the restrictions for catching European Seabass for both Commercial and Recreational fisheries.

The Marine Management Organisation also publish Bass Fishing Guidance.


Commercial catching, retaining, transhipment and landing of bass is subject to restrictions. Article 10 of Council Regulation (EU) 2020/123, and The Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Regulations 2023 detail the full restrictions for catching European Seabass.

The commercial restrictions relating to bass are as follows:

It is prohibited to retain bass in February and March.

During January and during the period from 1st April – end of December in each calendar year, commercial vessels may fish for, retain, tranship, relocate, or land Bass with the following gear and within the following limits, providing authorisation has been granted by the MMO.

  • Demersal trawls and seines – unavoidable bycatch not exceeding 3.8 tonnes per vessel per calendar year and 10% of the weight of total catches per trip.
  • Hooks and lines – not exceeding 6.8 tonnes per year.
  • Fixed gillnets – by-catches not exceeding 1.8 tonnes per vessel per calendar year.
  • Commercial fishers require a specific authorisation by the MMO to catch and retain bass.

The legislation also prohibits any commercial bass fisheries from the shore.


Article 10 of Council Regulation (EU) 2020/123, and The Sea Fisheries (Amendment) Regulations 2023 detail the full restrictions for catching European Seabass.

Guidance for recreational bass fishing can be found on GOV.UK (Marine Management Organisation) here.

To assist recreational fishers, Devon and Severn IFCA have created a recreational bass fishing leaflet (see right).

The Bass fishing rules for recreational fishers are as follows:

  • From 1st February to 31st March, it is catch-and-release only.
  • From 1st January to 31st January, and between 1st April to 31st December, two bass may be retained, per person, per day.
  • Bass retained between these dates must measure at least the Minimum Conservation Reference Size of 42cm in length.
  • No bass can be taken by fixed or drift nets.

These rules apply when fishing from a boat or from the shore.


There are restrictions on fishing for bass in nursery areas at certain times of year, which apply to both commercial and recreational fishers.

The Bass (Specified Areas) (Prohibition of Fishing) Order 1990 (as amended) sets out the following prohibition for fishing in Bass Nursery Areas:

Fishing for bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), or fishing for any species of sea-fish using sand-eels (Ammodytidae) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the areas described in column 1 of the Schedule to this Order is prohibited during the period specified in relation to each area in column 2 thereof.”

Within the Devon and Severn IFCA District, the areas, and specified periods for which the prohibition applies are as follows:

River Exe: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Exe Bass Nursery Area is prohibited between 30th April and 1st November.

River Teign: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Teign Bass Nursery area is prohibited between 30th April and 1st November.

River Dart: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Dart Bass Nursery Area is prohibited between 30th April and 1st January.

Salcombe Harbour and the Kingsbridge Estuary: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp)as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the Salcombe Harbour and Kingsbridge Estuary Bass Nursery Area is prohibited between 30thApril and 1st January.

River Avon: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Avon Bass Nursery Area is prohibited between 30th April and 1st January.

River Yealm: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Yealm Bass Nursery Area is prohibited between 30th April and 1st January.

Plymouth Rivers Tamar and Plym: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the Plymouth Rivers Bass Nursery Area is prohibited all year.

River Taw and River Torridge: Fishing for bass, or fishing for any species of sea fish using Sand Eels (Ammodytidae spp) as bait, by any fishing boat within any part of the River Taw and River Torridge Bass Nursery Areas is prohibited between 30th April and 1st November.


Be aware of the dates when the bass nursery areas are active

When active, you must not target bass if fishing from a vessel

When active and when using a vessel, you must not use sand eel as bait regardless of species targeted


Any person found breaching the legislation outlined above may be subject to enforcement action including receiving a Financial Administrative Penalty (FAP) or court proceedings. 

The D&S IFCA Compliance and Enforcement Strategy can be read here.

Page reviewed – 11th March 2025.

Page updated – 12th March 2025