The information provided on your application will be processed by D&S IFCA to consider and manage your application. The information will be processed to:

  • Provide you with information (the Permit Conditions) and assistance with Permit renewals
  • Maintain our data base with correct details

Paragraph 17 of the Potting Permit Byelaw states that the Permit Holder shall provide any relevant fisheries information required by the Authority. Data collected will:

  • Assist D&S IFCA with fisheries management
  • Assist the investigation of possible breaches of the Permit Conditions
  • Help to prevent possible breaches of the Permit Conditions

We may also use and/or disclose your information: 

  • So we can validate it with the Marine Management Organisation or other regulators
  • To offer or provide you with our literature regarding our functions and our mandatory requirement to consult with the Permit Holder on any changes to the Flexible Permit Conditions

Lawful Basis

D&S IFCA will only hold information about you that is required in order to conduct its functions imposed by legislation.  Our lawful basis for this is Article 6 (1) e) of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. We use your information for the exercise of official authority such as under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, for example to carry out investigations into possible breaches of the Byelaws.

How Long We Keep Your Information For  

We will keep it while you are a permit-holder and after that for five years for administration purposes.  We may also keep it for longer for statistical purposes and will ensure there are appropriate safeguards in place.

For more information about completing this form, contact D&S IFCA by email telephone 01803 854648 .To find out more about your Data Protection rights, if you have a query or want to make a complaint see our Privacy Policy