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Page review/updated 12/12/2023

This website has a Resource Library which gives you access to a lot of information (current & historical work) completely free of charge.
You may have missed the “Resource Library” tab on the home page; however, you can access each section of it by clicking on the links below.
The Resource Library is an interactive Publication Scheme.
The content of the Resource Library is often repeated on other display pages including links to specific items. The Resource Library is useful if you wish to explore our documented work in more detail. The Resource Library is divided into eight sections based around the core work of D&S IFCA and is further dived into sub-folders.
The information below gives you an indication regarding what you will find in each section. Please use the links to visit your chosen section.
Section A – this is where you will find a collection of D&S IFCA’s Annual Plans and Annual Reports
Section B – this area is focussed on Authority meetings and contains agendas, papers and reports produced for meetings. Minutes from meetings can also be found in this area of the library, separated into different categories, years and dates of meetings.
Section C – this area provides some financial information including metrics that compare D&S IFCA to other IFCAs.
Section D – this area of the library is where you will find information relating to Human Resources and Procedures. For example our Data Protection Policy, customer complaints procedure as well as recruitment information can all be found in this location.
Section E – this is where you can find legislation such as our Byelaws, the individual Permit Byelaws, application forms to gain a permit and some policy and guidance information for fishers.
Section F – this section is based around the work undertaken to develop new byelaws. It contains reports that demonstrate how a new byelaw was made or how and why permit conditions have changed.
Section G – this area is related to communication and you will find archived news items, that were once posted on the home page, or past editions of our e-newsletter (pdf format) circulated to stakeholders on our contact list.
Section H – this is the storage area for a large range of environmental reports, including assessment work.