Resource Library

Page review/updated 15/09/2023


This resource library is divided into 8 sections (A – H) and gives you access to a lot of information (current and historical work) completely free of charge. It is an interactive Publication Scheme.


Purpose of the Publication Scheme

•    To comply with the Freedom of Information Act 2000
•    To help you understand what work we do and what we have available for you to read
•    To inform you on how to view the information and if charges apply for hard copies of information
•    To make you aware that personal data is excluded from the scheme

Description of information:

Duties, functions, vision, success criteria, planning, high level objectives.

Annual Plans for the organisation and reports related to those plans.

Procedures, organisational developments (meetings), standing orders for members, Terms of Reference.

Minutes and papers (including agendas) for Full Authority Meetings & Byelaw & Permitting Sub-Committee Meetings.

Financial Information.

A financial overview is also set out in the Devon and Severn IFCA Annual Plan which can be viewed in file A of this resource library.

List of staff, roles undertaken, recruitment information, data protection policy, privacy policy, freedom of information policy, other policy, and our customer complaints procedure.

Byelaws, EU and domestic legislation.

Current Byelaws and Permit Conditions (including Annexes) for different fishing activities.

Voluntary Codes of Conduct, other (non – Byelaw) spatial management and a range of Policy & Guidance documents to support the management of fishing activities.

D&S IFCA Enforcement & Compliance Strategy and guidance on Financial Administrative Penalties for fisheries offences.

Development reports for creation of new byelaws or changes to permit conditions. This includes consultation circulars (Have Your Say) and final reports documenting how byelaws were developed or permit conditions amended.

The byelaw development reports include evidence bases, the outcomes of research assessments and document the decision making process.

Regulatory Impact Assessments (to accompany the creation of new byelaws).

Archived byelaws and permit conditions are located in this section for reference purposes.

Communications – Latest and archived news items & official press release.

PDF versions of the free D&S IFCA e-newsletter “Inshore Insights”.

Guides for fishers, including a guide to the work of the D&S IFCA Byelaw and Permitting Sub-Committee and a byelaw working – Timeline, Status & Changes Guide

This section includes guides to the industry about specific changes to permit conditions and also presentations, posters, flyers including those relating to Marine Protected Areas.

A large collection of environmental and research information divided by activities and different species. It contains both current work and reports that may have been superseded by updated reports.